General Linear Model Journal


A peer-reviewed, biannual publication sponsored by the American Educational Research Association's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Multiple Linear Regression: The General Linear Model

Volume 44 • Number 2 • 2018

Table of Contents

In Memoriam: Isadore Newman
Janet Holt - Southern Illlinois University at Edwardsville
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.044002.001

appsl2lme: A Model-Selection Diagnostic Tool for Hierarchical Linear Models
Kim Nimon - University of Texas at Tyler
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.044002.002

Comparison of Measurement Invariance Testing using Penalized Likelihood and Maximum Likelihood Estimators: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
W. Holmes Finch - Ball State University
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.044002.003

Career-Oriented Historic Events and Their Impact on Student Ratings: A Longitudinal Study
Sebastian Moncaleano - Boston College
Larry H. Ludlow - Boston College
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.044002.004