General Linear Model Journal


A peer-reviewed, biannual publication sponsored by the American Educational Research Association's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Multiple Linear Regression: The General Linear Model

Volume 43 • Number 1 • 2017

Table of Contents

Partial and Semi-Partial Correlations for Categorical Variables in Educational Research: Addressing Two Common Misconceptions
Hongwei Yang - Arizona State University
Wing Hang Wong - University of Kentucky
Kelly D. Bradley - University of Kentucky
Michael D. Toland - University of Kentucky
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.04301.001

Multivariate Regression with Small Samples: A Comparison of Estimation Methods
W. Holmes Finch - Ball State University
Maria E. Hernández Finch - Ball State University
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.04301.002

A Precision-Based and Adaptive Approach to Number of Replications for Monte Carlo Studies of Robustness and Power
Gordon P. Brooks - Ohio University
Emily Diaz - Westat
George A. Johanson - Ohio University
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.04301.003

Regression as the Univariate General Linear Model: Examining Test Statistics, p values, Effect Sizes, and Descriptive Statistics Using R
Kim Nimon - The University of Texas at Tyler
Julia Berrios - The University of Texas at Tyler
Greggory L. Keiffer - The University of Texas at Tyler
Mandolen Mull - The University of Texas at Tyler
Jon Musgrave - The University of Texas at Tyler
DOI: 10.31523/glmj.04301.004